communication & demonstration

They already trust us

ADDIDREAM is reinventing the medical industry
From knowledge transmission to the development of new products, ADDIDREAM has built an offering that meets the needs of the entire medical industry:

Next-generation customizable and ultra-realistic dry bones, along with innovative training programs.

Creative and customizable display stands and demo accessories.

Rapid prototyping and production of medical devices.
They recommend us

"The use of 3D models generated from 3D scans or B-ADDI in foot and ankle surgery proves advantageous at various levels:
- Many complex deformities are better understood through this spatial visualization
- Surgical intervention planning for real deformities
- Teaching surgical techniques using patients' foot deformities."

« Wonderful tool for comprehension and education in foot and ankle disorders »

"The B-ADDI anatomical model allowed me to visualize the various operative phases, incorporating, before the intervention and with precision, the misalignment, in the three planes of space, of the vertebrae in relation to each other, and to the pelvis. This enables a more effective and precise reduction strategy."

Customize your dry

Addi-CORT™ :
Option for cortical type

Addi-SKIN™ :
Option with a skin envelope

Addi-CAM™ :
Option for spongy type

Addi-SOFT™ :
Option with ligaments and tendons
Discover our latest releases

Personalize your

Selection of structure type :
The support can be solid or lattice

Base customization :
Choose the customization for your base (add your visual identity)

Window in the structure :
A window in the structure to allow visualization of the implant fixation

Coloring and Finishing :
Choose the coloration and finish (standard, smooth, and metallic) for your display
Get inspired

B-ADDI Training
personnalisez vos présentoirs
Concevez vos présentoirs en fonction de vos besoins de communication. Vous avez la possibilité de choisir la structure, la couleur de la réplique de l’implant et du socle.

Nous proposons l’incorporation de structures pleines ou aériennes, telles que la lattice.

Nous pouvons ajouter un implant réel ou factice qui reproduit l’implant à l’identique.

Le socle peut également être personnalisé avec l’ajout du nom de marque, du logo et le nom de chirurgien…

Découvrez nos formations
Bénéficiez de formations sur mesure à haute valeur pédagogique.

Cours en e-learning
ADDIDREAM propose l'accès à des cours en ligne sur des thématiques spécifiques. Notre programme comprend un cours E-learning pour valider les acquis théoriques.
Les cours en E-learning sont dispensés par des experts issus de divers domaines. Ils offrent plusieurs avantages, notamment la possibilité pour l'apprenant de progresser à son propre rythme tout en bénéficiant d'outils ludiques et pédagogiques.
Workshops personnalisés
Grâce aux maquettes B-addi Training, Addidream propose aux participants et instructeurs de se former à partir de leur propre cas, ce qui augmente la personnalisation de la formation.

Discover our training sessions
ADDIDREAM has developed a set of courses allowing surgeons to enhance their expertise in various surgical domains. The sessions, combining theory and hands-on practice, are fully customizable and delivered by internationally renowned experts.

Hands-on sessions combining conventional, percutaneous and arthroscopic surgery

Custom workshops on dry bones from CT scans and specimens

Academic presentations and clinical cases discussions

ADDIDREAM utilizes various 3D printing technologies, along with post-processing equipment, enabling the production of small to medium series of both single-use and reusable instruments.
Furthermore, the company extends its expertise and know-how beyond the medical sector by collaborating with industries for prototyping purposes.